The Museum has an extensive collection of books on the Roman period which can be read and studied in the Museum or the adjoining Library. Some of these are also available to buy from the Museum Bookshop.
There are two collections – one for children and one for adults:
Children’s Books
100 Facts – Ancient Rome
100 things you should know about Roman Britain
100 things you should know about Gladiators
Ancient Roman Children
Ancient Rome – Facts
Ancient Rome – Excavating the Past
Ancient Rome – Jobs
Avoid being a Roman Soldier
Gladiator Activity Book
I Wonder Why Romans wore Togas
Life in Ancient Rome
Life in Roman Britain
My Best Book of Ancient Rome
Roman Arena – Make your own
Roman Fort – what happened here
Stories from Ancient Rome
The Romans
Rotten Romans
Tricks & Treats
What do we know about the Romans
Warwickshire – the Story
Why did Romans race to the Circus?
Why did Romans March?
Adult Reference
Along the Roman roads of Britain
Bath from Roman Times
Britain in Roman Times
Carleon Roman Fortress
Colchester Archaeological Report 3 : Excavations at Lion Walk, Balkerne Lane & Middleborough, Colchester, Essex
Conquering Romans
Evidence – The Romans
Fishbourne Roman Palace
Food & Cooking in Roman Britain – recipes
Littlecote Roman Villa
Lunt Roman Fort
Hadrian’s Wall
Roman Baths in Bath
Roman Britain
Roman Empire
Roman Invaders
Roman Roads
Roman Towns in Britain
The Romans
Warwickshire – the Story
Wroxeter Roman City